Saturday, October 11, 2008

Marine Life

for a Dive Resort in Korea


Anonymous said...

absolutely gorgeous Bernadette!
btw, i finally got a hold of my Ina. Love it! thanks again.

nutart said...

great Jan!
Thanks too! May She guide you always even if she be reminded through a "mere" nutshell :-D!

FilMasons NSW said...

This is a great collection! Is this one of a kind set?

nutart said...

Gee, Filmasons...I don't know how to answer your question :-). These marine animals are usually the most popular among the marine animals I paint so with this Korean resort owner who ordered a number, I just made the most popular ones I know people/scuba divers love to be in their collections/mementos.

They can be bought one by one, but I agree that they look good as a set too!

Anonymous said...

one word bernie: Funky.

i never knew that these are what you've been doing. ahluvit!!

nutart said...

thanks, Dan! :-D

Funky---that's a neat word (heehee) I always thought it nutty too!

Sidney said...

Wow! This is really beautiful!

nutart said...

thanks, Sydney for that nice complement too! Been following up on your tattoo series as well! :-)